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Good News Clubs meets after school, in the public schools. Thanks to a 2001 law, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that if a school allows any outside group in, they have to give CEF the same right. Thanks to this, most public schools in the nation are open to Good News Clubs! These Clubs meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. They are taught by trained teachers and often a local church. The goal is to reach un-churched children, build a relationship with them and their families and see them attend the local church. Find out more here.


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CYIA (Christian Youth in



Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) equips Christians teenagers and college students through an intense training program to share the Gospel with the children in their own neighborhoods! CYIA training is held in Lucas Iowa with teenagers from across Iowa. Upon completion, students return home to teach 5-Day Clubs in their own neighborhoods.


To apply to be a CYIA student, click here!


Camp Good News®



Camp Good News® is held at Jericho Hills Camp in Lucas Iowa. There are two awesome camps to choose from. Elementary Camp (6-10 year olds) and Middle School Camp (10-15 year olds).

Check out the Camp Good News Facebook page for more info about Camp 2024.


To register your child for either camp, click here!

TCC is a great way to learn more about God! Each age-appropriate lesson is packed with colorful pictures, a Bible lesson, activities, a place where you can write your prayer request and more. Each lesson is carefully graded by volunteers who care about you! Our volunteers pray every prayer request that comes in and respond to you.

Click here to register online!




5-Day Club®



5-Day Club® is an exciting, fun-filled one and one-half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes: high energy games, dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary story, meaningful songs, life-changing Scripture memorization and snacks.

At club, your child will learn: biblical principles, moral values, character qualities, respect for authority, meet new children and make friends.

Find out more about 5-Day Club® here!

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VBS (Vacation Bible School)



Throughout the summer, we partner with local churches to do VBS together. CEF provides trained teenagers to teach the lessons, lead the games and more! The church provides snacks, additional volunteers and follow up with the kids after VBS.

If you would like to learn more about VBS in your area or hold one at your church, contact us!


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Good News Club®

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Truth Chasers Club



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